Medford, Oregon Water Damage Treatment Services

Don't let Flooding Wash your Money Away. ​Let us be your Calgon. Let us take the Water Stains Away.

Water Damage

It can rain a lot in Southern Oregon during certain times of the year. ​What is left from water damage not only be an eyesore but also can be damaging as a potential pollutant from mold to you and your family. 

Getting rid of the debris from water damage takes more than just vacuuming.  Using a professional carpet cleaning company that furnishes quality equipment and knowledgeable methods will extract the water and preserve your flooring.

Having Mold and Mildew can cause a number of different issues, to name a few:

  • Staining on carpet and tile
  • Staining of interior walls
  • Soiled Carpet
  • Mildew Smell
  • Poor Air quality
  • Serious Health Problems

Containing and eradicating water damage as soon as you catch sight of it will allow you to attack potential problems before mold and mildew develop. Having a professional cleaning company like us Carpet Cleaning MFD will attack the problem with force with our quality and latest equipment and cleaning solutions. 

With our professional and reliable cleaning methods, you will be left with fresh, clean, mold, and mildew free flooring and walls that your family can enjoy, worry free.  Our cleaning processes are efficient, professional, and safe.  We wouldn’t conduct our business in any other way.

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Water damage leaves a mess along with potential mold and mildew

Carpet Shampoo

How does Water Damage Happen?

  • Broken Pipe:  This can be from improper installment or aged pipes in your home or office.  Over time or due to nature pipes can start to leak and can either be quickly noticed or go unnoticed for a period of time, which either way will cause water damage.


  • Washing Machine:  This disaster can occur due to a lack of experience in installation of hoses or the age of the hoses or washer are beyond repair.  


  • Water Heater:  The age of your water heater can have a factor on leakage. Also, improper installation of your water heater can incur a water leak as well.  


  • Outside Water Leaks:  This can occur due to improper grading of the property, or irrigation leaks that have taken place near the foundation or windows of the home.


  • Improper Installment of pipes:  This can happen through DIY projects on the home or not having the right professional to install the pipes in the necessary fashion.  Having these kinds of leaks will cause water damage that if not cared for properly will cause permanent damage to your home.


  • Improper Installment of water lines:  Whether its behind the fridge in your kitchen or game room or laundry room, improper water line installment can take place when you least expect it. 


  • Flooding:  Whether its due to nature or its due pipes, flooding can become detrimental to your flooring if not acted on immediately.  Water can leave the smell, the mold, the mildew and potentially an unsafe environment.  Having your flooring professionally water extracted, will ensure a safe and clean environment for you and your family. Water damage produces bacterial growth and it is important to have professionals assess the extent of the problem.


  • Heavy Rain:  This type of nature-induced damage can cause leaks that you may not have realized you had.  The amount of water that is trying to penetrate all surfaces can at times be too much for your home, whether it window, roof or doors.


  • Leaking Roof: A leaky roof usually is a telltale sign that there is a roof repair in the works.  The damage that it can do to your flooring and walls can cause a number of issues that a professional carpet cleaner can eradicate. 


  • Poor Door Seals: Making sure that all of your doors are sealed properly will ensure that water will not enter and cause unnecessary damage to your home.  Sometimes the seals on doors and windows are the last things we think of when it comes to water damage to flooring.  Leftover water needs to go somewhere and it will find opening wherever it can.


  • Window Leakage:  Keeping your windows up to date and maintained will ensure security and a leak free opening.  Seals and making sure windows are functioning properly will keep water out and your home clear of potential.